Source code for repomate.config

"""config module.

Contains the code required for pre-configuring user interfaces.

.. module:: config
    :synopsis: Configuration functions and constants for pre-configuring CLI parameters.

.. moduleauthor:: Simon Larsén
import os
import pathlib
import configparser
from typing import Union, List, Mapping
import daiquiri
import appdirs
import repomate

from repomate import exception

import repomate_plug as plug

LOGGER = daiquiri.getLogger(__file__)

CONFIG_DIR = pathlib.Path(
        appname=__package__, appauthor=repomate.__author__))

assert DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE.is_absolute()

# arguments that can be configured via config file
CONFIGURABLE_ARGS = set(('user', 'org_name', 'github_base_url',
                         'students_file', 'plugins', 'master_org_name', 'token'))

[docs]def get_configured_defaults( config_file: Union[str, pathlib.Path] = DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE) -> dict: """Access the config file and return a ConfigParser instance with its contents. Args: config_file: Path to the config file. Returns: a dict with the contents of the config file. If there is no config file, the return value is an empty dict. """ config_file = pathlib.Path(config_file) defaults = _read_defaults(config_file) check_defaults(defaults) return defaults
[docs]def check_defaults(defaults: Mapping[str, str]): """Raise an exception if defaults contain keys that are not configurable arguments. Args: defaults: A dictionary of defaults. """ configured = defaults.keys() if configured - CONFIGURABLE_ARGS: # there are surpluss arguments raise exception.FileError( "config contains invalid default keys: {}".format( ", ".join(configured - CONFIGURABLE_ARGS)))
[docs]def get_plugin_names( config_file: Union[str, pathlib.Path] = DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE ) -> List[str]: """Return a list of unqualified names of plugins listed in the config. The order of the plugins is preserved. Args: config_file: path to the config file. Returns: a list of unqualified names of plugin modules, or an empty list if no plugins are listed. """ config_file = pathlib.Path(config_file) if isinstance(config_file, str) else config_file if not config_file.is_file(): return [] config = _read_config(config_file) plugin_string = config.get(DEFAULTS_SECTION_HDR, 'plugins', fallback="") return [name.strip() for name in plugin_string.split(",") if name]
[docs]def execute_config_hooks( config_file: Union[str, pathlib.Path] = DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE) -> None: """Execute all config hooks. Args: config_file: path to the config file. """ config_file = pathlib.Path(config_file) if not config_file.is_file(): return config_parser = _read_config(config_file) plug.manager.hook.config_hook(config_parser=config_parser)
[docs]def check_config_integrity( config_file: Union[str, pathlib.Path] = DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE) -> None: """Raise an exception if the configuration file contains syntactical errors, or if the defaults are misconfigured. Note that plugin options are not checked. Args: config_file: path to the config file. """ config_file = pathlib.Path(config_file) if not config_file.is_file(): raise exception.FileError("no config file found, expected location: " + str(config_file)) try: defaults = _read_defaults(config_file) except configparser.ParsingError as exc: errors = ', '.join("(line {}: {})".format(line_nr, line) for line_nr, line in exc.errors) raise exception.FileError( msg="config file contains syntax errors: " + errors) check_defaults(defaults)
def _read_defaults(config_file: pathlib.Path = DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE) -> dict: if not config_file.is_file(): return {} return dict(_read_config(config_file)[DEFAULTS_SECTION_HDR]) def _read_config(config_file: pathlib.Path = DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE ) -> configparser.ConfigParser: config_parser = configparser.ConfigParser() try: except configparser.MissingSectionHeaderError: pass # handled by the next check if DEFAULTS_SECTION_HDR not in config_parser: raise exception.FileError( "config file at '{!s}' does not contain the required [DEFAULTS] header" .format(config_file)) return config_parser