Source code for repomate.util

"""Some general utility functions.

.. module:: util
    :synopsis: Miscellaneous utility functions that don't really belong anywhere else.

.. moduleauthor:: Simon Larsén
import os
import sys
import pathlib
import random
from typing import Iterable, Generator, Union, Tuple, Mapping, List
from repomate import tuples

[docs]def validate_non_empty(**kwargs) -> None: r"""Validate that arguments are not empty. Raise ValueError if any argument is empty. Args: **kwargs: Mapping on the form {param_name: argument} where param_name is the name of the parameter and argument is the value passed in. """ for param_name, argument in kwargs.items(): if not argument: raise ValueError("{} must not be empty".format(param_name))
[docs]def validate_types(**kwargs) -> None: r"""Validate argument types. Raise TypeError if there is a mismatch. Args: **kwargs: Mapping on the form {param_name: (argument, expected_type)}, where param_name is the name of the parameter, argument is the passed in value and expected type is either a single type, or a tuple of types. """ for param_name, (argument, expected_types) in kwargs.items(): if not isinstance(argument, expected_types): if isinstance(expected_types, tuple): exp_type_str = " or ".join( [t.__name__ for t in expected_types]) else: exp_type_str = expected_types.__name__ raise TypeError( "{} is of type {.__class__.__name__}, expected {}".format( param_name, argument, exp_type_str))
[docs]def read_issue(issue_path: str) -> tuples.Issue: """Attempt to read an issue from a textfile. The first line of the file is interpreted as the issue's title. Args: issue_path: Local path to textfile with an issue. """ if not os.path.isfile(issue_path): raise ValueError("{} is not a file".format(issue_path)) with open(issue_path, 'r', encoding=sys.getdefaultencoding()) as file: return tuples.Issue(file.readline().strip(),
[docs]def generate_repo_name(team_name: str, master_repo_name: str) -> str: """Construct a repo name for a team. Args: team_name: Name of the associated team. master_repo_name: Name of the template repository. """ validate_non_empty(team_name=team_name, master_repo_name=master_repo_name) return "{}-{}".format(team_name, master_repo_name)
[docs]def generate_repo_names(team_names: Iterable[str], master_repo_names: Iterable[str]) -> Iterable[str]: """Construct all combinations of generate_repo_name(team_name, master_repo_name) for the provided team names and master repo names. Args: team_names: One or more names of teams. master_repo_names: One or more names of master repositories. Returns: a list of repo names for all combinations of team and master repo. """ validate_non_empty( team_names=team_names, master_repo_names=master_repo_names) master_repo_names = list( master_repo_names) # needs to be traversed multiple times return [ generate_repo_name(team_name, master_name) for master_name in master_repo_names for team_name in team_names ]
[docs]def generate_review_team_name(student: str, master_repo_name: str) -> str: """Generate a review team name. Args: student: A student username. master_repo_name: Name of a master repository. Returns: a review team name for the student repo associated with this master repo and student. """ return generate_repo_name(student, master_repo_name) + "-review"
[docs]def repo_name(repo_url: str) -> str: """Extract the name of the repo from its url. Args: repo_url: A url to a repo. """ repo_name = repo_url.split("/")[-1] if repo_name.endswith('.git'): return repo_name[:-4] return repo_name
[docs]def is_git_repo(path: str) -> bool: """Check if a directory has a .git subdirectory. Args: path: Path to a local directory. Returns: True if there is a .git subdirectory in the given directory. """ return os.path.isdir(path) and '.git' in os.listdir(path)
def _ends_with_ext(path: Union[str, pathlib.Path], extensions: Iterable[str]) -> bool: _, ext = os.path.splitext(str(path)) return ext in extensions
[docs]def find_files_by_extension(root: Union[str, pathlib.Path], *extensions: str ) -> Generator[pathlib.Path, None, None]: """Find all files with the given file extensions, starting from root. Args: root: The directory to start searching. extensions: One or more file extensions to look for. Returns: a generator that yields a Path objects to the files. """ if not extensions: raise ValueError("must provide at least one extension") for cwd, _, files in os.walk(root): for file in files: if _ends_with_ext(file, extensions): yield pathlib.Path(cwd) / file