Source code for repomate.exception

"""Modules for all custom repomate exceptions.

All exceptions extend the :py:class:`RepomateException` base class, which
itself extends :py:class:`Exception`. In other words, exceptions raised within
``repomate`` can all be caught by catching :py:class:`RepomateException`.

.. module:: exception
    :synopsis: Custom exceptions for repomate.

.. moduleauthor:: Simon Larsén
import os
import sys
import re

[docs]class RepomateException(Exception): """Base exception for all repomate exceptions.""" def __init__(self, msg="", *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(self, msg, *args, **kwargs) self.msg = msg def __str__(self): return self.msg def __repr__(self): return "<{}(msg='{}')>".format(type(self).__name__, str(self.msg))
[docs]class ParseError(RepomateException): """Raise when something goes wrong in parsing."""
[docs]class FileError(RepomateException): """Raise when reading or writing to a file errors out."""
[docs]class GitHubError(RepomateException): """An exception raised when the API responds with an error code.""" def __init__(self, msg="", status=None): super().__init__(msg) self.status = status
[docs]class NotFoundError(GitHubError): """An exception raised when the API responds with a 404."""
[docs]class ServiceNotFoundError(GitHubError): """Raise if the base url can't be located."""
[docs]class BadCredentials(GitHubError): """Raise when credentials are rejected."""
[docs]class UnexpectedException(GitHubError): """An exception raised when an API request raises an unexpected exception. """
[docs]class APIError(RepomateException): """Raise when something unexpected happens when interacting with the API. """
[docs]class GitError(RepomateException): """A generic error to raise when a git command exits with a non-zero exit status. """ def __init__(self, msg: str, returncode: int, stderr: bytes): stderr_decoded = stderr.decode(encoding=sys.getdefaultencoding()) or "" fatal = re.findall("fatal:.*", stderr_decoded) # either fatal reason or first line of error message err = fatal[0] if fatal else stderr_decoded.split(os.linesep)[0] # sanitize from secure token err = re.sub("https://.*?@", "https://", err) msg_ = ("{}{}return code: {}{}{}").format( msg, os.linesep, returncode, os.linesep, err ) super().__init__(msg_) self.returncode = returncode self.stderr = stderr
[docs]class CloneFailedError(GitError): """An error to raise when cloning a repository fails.""" def __init__(self, msg: str, returncode: int, stderr: bytes, url: str): self.url = url super().__init__(msg, returncode, stderr)
[docs]class PushFailedError(GitError): """An error to raise when pushing to a remote fails.""" def __init__(self, msg: str, returncode: int, stderr: bytes, url: str): self.url = url super().__init__(msg, returncode, stderr)
[docs]class PluginError(RepomateException): """Generic error to raise when something goes wrong with loading plugins. """