
repomate must be configured with a mandatory environment variable (see oauth). Additionally, some of the command line parameters can be pre-configured with e.g. the GitHub instances’ API url and the target organization’s name (see config).

REPOMATE_OAUTH Environment Variable

For the tool to work at all, an environment variable called REPOMATE_OAUTH must contain an OAUTH2 token to whichever GitHub instance you intend to use. See the GitHub OAUTH docs for how to create a token. The token should have the repo and admin:org scopes. Once you have the token, you should set the environment variable. In a bash terminal, this can be done with the command export REPOMATE_OAUTH=<YOUR TOKEN>, where <YOUR TOKEN> is replaced with the token.

Configuration File

An optional configuration file can be added, which specifies default values for the –github_base_url, –org_name, –user and –students-list command line options. This is especially useful for teachers who are managing repos for a single course (and, as a consequence, a single organization).

github_base_url = https://some-api-v3-url

To find out where to place the configuration file (and what to name it), run repomate -h. At the very top, there should be a line looking something like this:

[INFO] no config file found. Expected config file location: /home/USERNAME/.config/repomate/config.cnf

The filepath at the end is where you should put your config file.


Do note that the configuration file contains only default values. Specifying any of the parameters on the command line will override the configuration file’s values.


You can run repomate verify-settings to verify the basic configuration. This will check all settings but the students file.