

repomate requires Python 3.5+ and a somewhat up-to-date version of git. Officially supported platforms are Ubuntu 17.04+ and OSX, but repomate should run fine on any Linux distribution and also on WSL on Windows 10. Please report any issues with operating systems and/or git versions on the issue tracker.

Option 1: Install from PyPi with pip


Not yet available on PyPi, go with clone repo instead!

The latest release of repomate is on PyPi, and can thus be installed as usual with pip. I strongly discourage system-wide pip installs (i.e. sudo pip install <package>), as this may land you with incompatible packages in a very short amount of time. A per-user install can be done like this:

  1. Execute pip install --user repomate to install the package.
  2. Further steps to be added …

Option 2: Clone the repo and the install with pip

If you want the dev version, you will need to clone the repo, as only release versions are uploaded to PyPi. Unless you are planning to work on this yourself, I suggest going with the release version.

  1. Clone the repo with git:
    • git clone
  2. cd into the project root directory with cd repomate.
  3. Install the requirements with pip install -r requirements.txt
    • To be able to run the tests, you must install the requirements.test.txt file.
  4. Install locally with pip.
    • pip install --user ., this will create a local install for the current user.
    • Or just pip install . if you use virtualenv.
    • For development, use pip install -e . in a virtualenv.