Opening and Closing issues (the open-issue and close-issue commands)

Sometimes, the best way to handle an error in a repo is to simply notify affected students about it. This is especially true if the due date for the assignment is rapidly approaching, and most students have already started modifying their repositories. Therefore, repomate provides the open-issue command, which can open issues in bulk. When the time is right (perhaps after the deadline has passed), issues can be closed with the close-issue command.

Opening Issues

The open-issue command is very simple. Before we use it, however, we need to write a Markdown-formatted issue. Just like with the update command, the first line of the file is the title. Here is

An important announcement

### Dear students
I have this important announcement to make.

_The Announcer_

Awesome, that’s an excellent issue. Let’s open it in the master-repo-2 repo for our dear students spam, eggs and ham, who are listed in the students.txt file (see Setup Student Repositories).

$ repomate open-issue -mn master-repo-2 -sf students.txt -i
[INFO] config file defaults:

   github_base_url: https://some-enterprise-host/api/v3
   user: slarse
   org_name: repomate-demo

[INFO] Opened issue spam-master-repo-2/#1-'An important announcement'
[INFO] Opened issue eggs-master-repo-2/#1-'An important announcement'
[INFO] Opened issue ham-master-repo-2/#1-'An important announcement'

From the output, we can read that in each of the repos, an issue with the title An important announcement was opened as issue nr 1 (#1). The number isn’t that important, it’s mostly good to note that the title was fetched correctly. And that’s it! Neat, right?

Closing Issues

Now that the deadline has passed for master-repo-2, we want to close the issues opened in open. The close-issue command takes a regex that runs against titles. All issues with matching titles are closed. While you can make this really difficult, closing all issues with the title An important announcement is simple: we provide the regex \AAn important announcement\Z.

$ repomate close-issue -mn master-repo-2 -sf students.txt -r '\AAn important announcement\Z'
[INFO] config file defaults:

   github_base_url: https://some-enterprise-host/api/v3
   user: slarse
   org_name: repomate-demo

[INFO] closed issue spam-master-repo-2/#1-'An important announcement'
[INFO] closed issue eggs-master-repo-2/#1-'An important announcement'
[INFO] closed issue ham-master-repo-2/#1-'An important announcement'

And there we go, easy as pie!


Enclosing a regex expression in \A and \Z means that it must match from the start of the string to the end of the string. So, the regex used here will match the title An important announcement, but it will not match e.g. An important anouncement and lunch or Hey An important announcement. In other words, it matches exactly the title An important announcement, and nothing else. Not even an extra space or linebreak is allowed.